Projects & Clients
Find out how to create and manage projects and clients.
Navigating the Projects & Clients section
The Projects & Clients section of Resource Guru lets you quickly manage your projects and clients in one central location. Seamlessly switch between...
Creating projects and clients
To create a new project or client in Resource Guru, navigate to the Projects & Clients section, then choose New > Project or New > Client . P...
Editing projects and clients
To edit a project or client, click on it in the Projects & Clients section. Then, click on any of the fields to make changes. Once you’ve finished...
Archiving projects and clients
Projects and clients can be archived when they are no longer in use. Please note: You need to have Manager or higher permissions to archive projects o...
Deleting projects and clients
To permanently delete a project or client, click on it in the Projects &Clients section, then click the options menu followed by Delete. Unlike ar...
Adding Activity Types to your projects
Activity Types help you categorize your team's work more effectively, giving you a clearer picture of how you’re spending time on different tasks. You...
Adding Milestones: Track Key Project Dates and deadlines
Adding milestones is only available on the Blackbelt or Master plan. Grasshopper subscribers can easily upgrade by following this walkthrough . Miles...
Using Custom Fields: categorize Projects & Clients by status, estimate hours, and more
Please note: You need to have Administrator permissions to manage custom fields. Please contact an Administrator in your account if you need increased...