Find a breakdown of the forecasted vs. logged time entries for the week by clicking View Summary. You can view the summary of your own timesheets, as well as the timesheets of anyone else you have access to.
The summary includes:
Submit status
Total Time Logged, broken down into Billable and Non-Billable Hours
Time Off, broken down by type
Forecasted and logged hours per Client/Project
To export your forecasted vs. actual hours, click on the download icon next to View Summary. The report will default to the week you are viewing, but you can select other periods from the dropdown menu, or set a Custom Date Range. When you’ve chosen the dates to report on, click Export to download the CSV files.
You will receive two reports:
Resource Guru Project Forecast vs. Actuals
Resource Guru Timesheet Entries
Export with Timesheet Approval disabled
Export with Timesheet Approval enabled