Our timesheets feature makes it quick and easy to log the actual time you spend on bookings. This guide will show you how to log your time, whether you're adding manual entries or utilizing automatic time entry suggestions from the schedule.
What is a Time Entry Suggestion?
To streamline the process of filling out your timesheet, we prepopulate time entry suggestions. This includes:
Duration and time specific bookings from your schedule.
Time off events from your schedule.
Waiting List & Overtime bookings from your schedule.
Calendar events from your synced calendars such as Outlook or Google Calendar.
Please note: these suggestions are not dynamically linked to your schedule. If a booking in the schedule changes after you've logged time against it, you'd need to manually adjust the entry on your timesheet (if relevant). Likewise, if you amend a time entry suggestion to log more or less time than was planned, this will not affect the original booking in the schedule.
Logging a Time Entry Suggestion
Suggestions will appear as transparent time entries in your timesheet. Click the Log button within a suggestion. It’ll be pre-filled with the suggested details.
You can amend the time duration, add notes, change the project and other details before logging the time by clicking Log Time.
Hover over the project name in a suggestion to see further details i.e. the specific time / duration or any notes in the Details field of the booking.
Your external Outlook or Google Calendar events will be synced into your timesheets. Log time against them to track the actual spent time on these events.
Removing a Suggestion
To remove an unwanted suggestion from your timesheet, hover over it and click the trash can icon.
Creating a Manual Time Entry
To manually add a time entry, click the + button next to any day on your timesheet.
Complete the fields with the relevant details, then click Log Time. Your entry will now appear on your timesheet.
Bulk Logging Suggestions
The bulk log provides a quick and easy way to view, edit and process all suggested entries up to, and including, the current day. Click on the Bulk Log button.
This brings up a window displaying all suggestions for the current week. Use the checkboxes to select which time entries you'd like to log. Hover over the clock or external calendar icon on the left side to see further details of the booking such as the specific time / duration or any notes in the Details field. To copy the information from the Details field to your time entry notes, click on Add as Time Entry Note.
If you choose not to log some suggestions, you can opt to remove them from your timesheet by ensuring the Remove unchecked entries from my timesheet option is checked.
Before logging your time entries, you can adjust durations, add notes, mark them as billable or non-billable or assign entries to specific clients or projects. Once you're satisfied with your selections and edits, click Log Time.
Guru tip
Use bulk actions wisely: they can help you save time, but bulk actions apply to all selected entries, so review them carefully before applying changes.
Logging Time Off in Timesheets
Time off is automatically calculated and synced to your Timesheet based on your schedule. There are some important things to keep in mind:
Unlike bookings, if you move Time Off on the schedule, it also moves on your Timesheet. The schedule is treated as the source of truth.
If you have multiple, overlapping Time Off entries, they are calculated based on the following priority order:
Public holiday
Maternity/paternity leave
Holiday (personal)
Sick leave
Compassionate leave
For example, if you had a personal holiday booked for half a day (4 hours), and later added an all day sick leave event (8 hours), your Timesheet would show 4 hours of Holiday (personal) & 4 hours of Sick leave.