Creating Bookings


Please note: You will need sufficient permissions in order to make bookings. Please contact an administrator in your account if you need increased permissions.

There are two simple ways to create a booking:

  1. Click and drag across the days you want to book

  2. Click on one day, then edit the dates if necessary

Getting to Know the New Booking Form

Resource - The resource(s) you want to book. To change the resource assigned to a booking, or to add multiple resources to the same booking, just click in the People or Resources field on the New Booking form.

  • Tip: You can also move bookings and time off from one resource to another by dragging them on the calendar, or copy and paste a calendar event by using SHIFT+drag.

Duration/Specific Time - There are two types of booking you can create:

  • Hours/Mins: If the job allows for flexible timing, create a duration booking (i.e. 4 hours 30 minutes).

  • From - To: - For bookings which need to take place at specific times, create a time specific booking (i.e. 9–10 am).

Add Repeat - This option allows you to set a repeating pattern for the booking. The default options are Weekly, Every 2 weeks, Monthly or Annually, or you can set a custom repeating pattern.

Tentative - This setting lets you specify whether a booking is tentative or confirmed.

Project/Client - Specify the Project or Client of a booking, if required. If you have sufficient permissions you can also create new projects and clients on the fly here, by selecting New Project or New Client in this drop down menu.

Billable/Non-billable - Each project has a billable status. When you create a new booking, the billable status will automatically default to that of any associated project. However, if you need to override that status for an individual booking, that’s no problem. Just click the Billable toggle to specify whether the booking is Billable or Non-billable.

Custom Fields - add single-select, multi-select or free text custom fields to your bookings. You can create, edit or delete custom fields in your Settings.

Details - Space for extra information or links related to the booking.

Booker - The person who made the booking. You can change this to another resource if you’d like to reassign responsibility for the booking. The booker and the resource for whom the booking was made will both see the booking on their Dashboard.

View Activity Log - an activity log which displays changes to the date, time, or duration of the booking, the people or resources assigned, as well as updates on linked projects and clients.

Guru tip

The New Booking form will default to the duration that you last used, saving you time if you’re regularly creating bookings of the same duration.

Booking Your Team

Single day bookings

To create a single day booking, find the resource you want to book, then click on the date you want to make the booking for. The New Booking form will be displayed; enter your booking details, then click Add Booking.

Multi-day, repeating bookings

To create a booking that spans multiple days, click and drag across the days that you want to book and the New Booking form will be pre-populated with the dates you selected.

The details and duration of the booking will be the same for each day within the date range of the booking, but you can split multi-day bookings up later if you need to.

Creating Bookings That Require Approval

For bookings that require approval, an alert will be shown at the top of the booking form.

Pending bookings are semi-transparent with grey text and a “Pending” icon.

Guru tip

Declined bookings do not take up availability.

If required, a reminder can be sent to approvers by clicking the options menu on the booking, and then clicking Send Reminder.

Bookers can keep track of pending requests over in their Dashboard.

Reminders can also be sent to approvers from here.

Once a booking is approved or declined an email will be sent to notify the booker. If the approver gave a reason for declining the request, this will also be included in the email. Bookers can click on the link within the email to review all of their approval requests on their personal Dashboard.

When viewing the schedule, declined bookings will appear semi-transparent with a strikethrough so it’s easy to pick out which bookings won’t be going ahead. The reason for the decline will be shown at the top of the booking form.

Learn more

Setting Approvers and Approving Bookings
Creating Multi-Resource Bookings
Creating Repeat Bookings