Advanced Filters & Customization

Grouping, Saved Views, Using Custom Fields and Heatmaps
Group by Project, Client or Custom Field
Have you ever wanted a clearer view of who’s booked for a specific project or client, and when those bookings are taking place? Well, look no further ...
Using Custom Fields: Categorize Bookings by Priority, Status and more
Please note: You need to have administrator permissions to manage custom fields. Please contact an administrator in your account if you need increased...
Using the Schedule Heatmap
Please note: Heatmap is included with the Blackbelt and Master plans. If you’re a Grasshopper subscriber, upgrade now to gain instant access. The S...
Using Colors
Each person/resource, project, client, and activity type can be assigned a color. The Color By setting allows you to view bookings based on the colo...
Hide or Display External Calendar Events on the Schedule
Not all teams need to see all the external events that their colleagues have booked via other calendars. So, the calendar icon lets you choose which e...
Using Keyboard Shortcuts in the Schedule
Powerful filters are available in the schedule , allowing you to easily hone in on particular people or groups of resources. But if you know which res...