2-way Syncing Between Google Calendar and Resource Guru


Our calendar integration allows you to import Google Calendar events into Resource Guru, and send Resource Guru bookings out to Google Calendar; so you can ensure seamless scheduling without clashes, no matter where your time is booked.

How Does the 2-way Sync Work

New bookings and changes to existing events are automatically updated in the connected calendar, so you’ll never have to worry about being out of sync.
A few things to note:

  • Imported calendar events won’t affect your availability or utilisation.

  • You can control whether the full details of imported events are visible to everyone in the Schedule or only to you. Events marked as private in your Google Calendar will always remain hidden from others. Administrators can configure a global setting to make event details visible by default, but individuals have the flexibility to adjust this visibility on a per-calendar basis.

  • External events sent into Resource Guru are read-only.

  • You can also decide to sync tentative bookings and, if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled, unapproved (pending approval) bookings to your external calendar.

  • Changes to Resource Guru events should be made from within Resource Guru only, and not from within an external calendar. Any changes to date, time, title or description outside of Resource Guru will be lost when the event is synced. Notifications and attendees will not be lost.

  • If your time zone in Resource Guru is different to the time zone you use in Google Calendar, there could be a discrepancy between the time shown for events across the two apps.

Setting Up 2-way Syncing Via your Dashboard

To set up 2-way syncing between Resource Guru and Google Calendar, visit the Dashboard and then click Sync to calendar.

You’ll be shown a window where you can set up a full 2-way integration between Resource Guru and Google Calendar, or subscribe to your Resource Guru schedule via a 1-way iCal URL. Click Connect to set up the 2-way integration.

A new window will appear; enter your Google credentials and then click Next.

You’ll now be taken to your Sync Settings in ​​Resource Guru, where you can:

  • choose which calendars to import

  • choose whether you’d like event details to be visible to everyone or not

  • scroll further down to choose to filter out certain events by keyword (eg. lunch break, add multiple by comma)

  • choose to sync confirmed or also unconfirmed bookings (eg. tentative, pending approval)

When you are happy with your selection, click Confirm & Sync to complete the integration.

Voilà! You’ll now see your events from Google Calendar appear alongside your bookings in Resource Guru, and vice versa.

Setting Up 2-way Syncing Via your Settings

To set up 2-way syncing between Resource Guru and Google Calendar, visit your Settings, choose Calendar Sync on the left-hand side and then click the Add Calendar button. You’ll follow the same steps as shown in the Dashboard setup.

Guru tip

Imported events will be displayed in red if the person is busy, or in green if the person remains available. If you have imported public holidays whilst syncing your calendar, these events will generally indicate that you are still available.

Booking Clashes

If time booked in Google Calendar clashes with bookings made in Resource Guru, or if the total booked hours exceeds someone’s total availability, the affected day/s will be highlighted so you can quickly spot any potential issues.

Please note that clashes with bookings from external calendars will not cause the booking clash warning to be displayed; this warning will only be shown when there are clashes between Resource Guru bookings. So, it’s important to look out for any red highlighting if you’re booking someone who also has bookings in an external calendar.

Editing or Removing a Calendar Integration

To edit or remove a calendar integration, click on your picture in the top right corner of the app and then choose Settings > Calendar Sync. Now click on the cog next to the integration you want to change.

To edit or remove a calendar integration, click on your picture in the top right corner of the app and then choose Settings > Calendar Sync. Now click on the cog next to the integration you want to change.

To edit the integration, toggle the available options to choose which events will be imported to your Resource Guru schedule, and then click Confirm & Sync.

To remove the integration, click on the options menu and then click Remove Connection and confirm your choice. ​​Removing the connection will remove imported calendar events from Resource Guru and remove exported Resource Guru bookings from Google Calendar.

Guru tip

Not all teams need to see all the external events that their colleagues have booked via other calendars. So, the calendar icon on the schedule lets you choose which external events are displayed to you. External events are those which have come from Outlook or Google Calendar via the 2-way calendar sync feature.

  • If you choose All you will see the external calendar events for anyone in your account who has synced Resource Guru with Outlook or Google Calendar.

  • If you choose Mine Only, everyone else’s external calendar events will be hidden, and you will only see events from your own Outlook or Google Calendar.

  • If you choose None, all external calendar events will be hidden.

Your preferences will be remembered even if you log out, and they will not affect what other people see in the account; this setting is specific only to you.

Learn more

2-way Syncing Between Outlook and Resource Guru
1-way Syncing: Send Resource Guru Events to an External Calendar
Dashboard Overview

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