Configuring & Managing
Setting Permissions, Inviting, Availability, Custom Fields
Setting Permissions
Please note: The permissions section will only appear if you’re inviting a person to your account. You will need administrator permissions in order to...
Resource Availability
You can specify individual availability times for each resource in your account. Let's say you have a resource that's not available on Wednesday after...
Inviting People Into Your Account
People are happier and more productive when they can log in and start the day knowing exactly what they should be working on. Inviting people into you...
Using Custom Fields: Categorize Resources by Skills, Department and More
Please note: You need to have administrator permissions to manage custom fields. Please contact an administrator in your account if you need increased...
Hide People Who Aren’t Bookable
Do you have Project Managers (or other staff) who create bookings but aren’t bookable themselves? Here’s a helpful tip—simply untick Bookable on the...